250 Kids

Last week there were 250 kids at Antioch – just from birth through 5th grade!!

The ratio of kids to adults in the main service is 58%, which is unheard of.

I was so blown away by these numbers and how many kids are at Antioch that I felt this strong burden of responsibility to make sure our kids ministry is the absolute best it can be.

So I went down to see Linda VanVoorst, Antioch’s Children’s Director, and asked, “If you were to come up with a top ten list of what is needed to make the Antioch kids program the absolute best it possibly can be – regardless of money, what would it be?”

Once again I was surprised.  Half of Linda’s list didn’t even have a cost associated with it.  The other half totaled up to a conservative $15,000.

This whole thing felt so doable and necessary that I shared it with the church this morning.

Here’s Linda’s list for you to see as well.  250 kids… what a great problem to have!

3 thoughts on “250 Kids”

  1. Antioch, you rock my socks off! Thank you for all your generosity towards Antioch Kids! Thank you for your time and money that has been given! Get ready to see this program go to the next level! OH YEAH!
    Linda Van Voorst
    PS: Thanks again!!!

  2. Pretty cool story. After sharing this with Antioch on Sunday, all the money for Linda’s list came in. Amazing, huh?!

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