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An Invitation to All Things Reconciled

Guest Post by Rick Gerhardt

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a part of that group of thinkers (say, in the back room of the tavern), the folks engaged in deep lengthy conversations that had the potential to change the way their culture approached things? Have you wished you had been there when the ideas that led to significant change were first being kicked around? Have you often thought that you had something to add to the important conversations, if only you had known where they were taking place and had been invited?

Well, this just may be your opportunity and your invitation. Let me explain…

Next month, a group of Christian thought leaders are getting together in beautiful Bend, Oregon to have a deep conversation about our abdicated role as followers of Christ in caring about and for the creation He came to redeem. Taking its title from Colossians 1: 15–20, the All Things Reconciled conference is intended to advance, deepen, and change the conversation about Christ and creation within evangelical Christianity. This groundbreaking dialogue will be jointly hosted by A Rocha and Kilns College. Those helping to guide our conversation will include:

Rev. Peter Harris, Founder of A Rocha International, Conservation Biologist
Dr. Jonathan Wilson, Professor of Theology, Carey Theological College
Leroy Barber, Executive Director, Word Made Flesh
Ken Wytsma, President of Kilns College, Founder of The Justice Conference

Are you meant to be one of the select voices in this conversation? Are you a follower of Christ who is a leader (pastor, teacher, leader in business or NGO, author, or speaker)? Are you aware that the redemption Christ came to initiate applies to all He created? Are you excited about seeing change in the way Christians talk about the environment (locally, nationally, and globally) and in the way we interact with the places God has put us? Then we want your participation.

All Things Reconciled is not open to all comers; the target size of this three-day conversation is 30-40 folks. We’re hoping, of course, for a diversity of Christian perspectives within this group, and that may mean you. If you’re reading this, and meet the criteria I’ve just laid out, will you prayerfully consider joining us in Bend October 21–23 for this important conversation? For more information, or to register, click here.


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