Battling Unbelief

John Piper, more than any other person (besides C.S. Lewis), has shaped my life and thinking. I remember driving around Whittier, California during seminary listening to his tapes on headphones (that is until a sheriff in my church threatened me because headphones in cars are illegal, but that’s another story :)

One of the sermon series that opened up a whole new world in my thinking was on Unbelief. I had never put it together before that unbelief is the opposite of faith; and, therefore, the root of sin (whereas faith is the root of righteousness). The ideas in those sermons trickled down through my life and changed everything…

This morning I got an e-mail with a link to a new book by Piper discussing these same themes. If you’ve got the time and energy… this’ll be a book worth reading.

Battling Unbelief: Defeating Sin with Superior Pleasure

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