Heart of Darkness

Just finished reading the classic book by Joseph Conrad called Heart of Darkness.

It was published in 1902 and is set in colonial Congo. It was one of the first books to expose the atrocities that took place under the Belgian rule in that part of Africa (then referred to by Europeans as “The Dark Continent.”)

For you movie buffs… it was also Francis Ford Coppala’s inspiration for the last third of the movie Apocolypse Now, which came out in the late seventies as one of the first major Vietnam war films.

It’s a quick read and I highly recommend it… if for nothing more than the historical value!!

2 thoughts on “Heart of Darkness”

  1. Evan and Lyndsey Hendrix

    That is one of my all time favorite books! I read it first in high school for class, then in college for a class and it just gets better the more you read it! It is just so well written! (sorry the English major coming out in me!)

  2. Ken, the next book for you to read is “In the Footsteps of Mr. Kurtz: Living on the Brink of Disaster in Mobutu’s Congo.” This book is a good one to read after “King Leopold’s Ghost“, since it continues with a detailed history of Congo in the years just after independence until today.

    Link to the book on Amazon

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