I wonder…

I Wonder

I’m in a great mood today and spent some time in prayer trying to stretch my faith. I came away impressed with several “I wonder’s…”

I wonder if we could make the Artist’s Coffee House that we’ve dreamt of a reality sooner than we expect…

I wonder if there aren’t some of the most gifted Christians I’ve ever met sitting in Antioch right under my nose…

I wonder…

I wonder if there isn’t a way to put church up on the board in people’s minds along with coffee, movies, TV and making money…

I wonder if God has unique plans for the people reading this right now…

I wonder what would happen if we really let go of the rope and started walking in faith…

I wonder what would happen if we only see and act on possibilities and choose to turn a blind eye toward obstacles and barriers…

I wonder what we’re going to be able to accomplish for God and with God.

3 thoughts on “I wonder…”

  1. I know, by Faith, that Antioch is on the verge of something amazing. It already has changed lives in the month that we launched. I can’t imagine the plan Jesus has for such a Church.
    I believe, by observation, that we have some of the most talented and wonderful people at our Church. Without such a remarkable team, we wouldn’t be able to pull off Sundays every week. From the 7a.m. set-up, coffee bar, nursery, children’s ministry, service, connecting lunches, small groups, worship team, arts, Mosaic etc etc…we wouldn’t be who we are. All praise goes to the Lord for my wonderful friends/community of Antioch Church…<><

  2. Your blog makes me want to move back to Bend when I’m finished with school, just so I can be a part of Antioch. :)

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