

I came across a quote today in one of the old papers that I really like. I’m not sure where I read it, but I think it was from Eugene Peterson’s devotional called, Living the Message.

Here is what it says…

God spoke to Moses in a burning bush because (1) he was alone in the desert, and therefore God’s choices were either a bush, a burning lamb, or a flaming stone. In other words, God speaks to us when we are alone through the natural resources available. To Elijah it was the wind… to Joshua it was the Angel of the Lord… to Joseph it was a dream. And in the end, the means accomplished the purpose of communicating the message to the person in a manner that was unmistakably clear.

1 thought on “Quote”

  1. It’s crazy to me how God speaks. I wish it were more simple though. It would be great if he just burned my clothes or my makeup to get my attention or to speak to me. The best moment I have ever had when I know God spoke directly to me was winter 2005 when I lived at the Toomey’s. It was midnight and I was in the hottub by myself. I refused to leave the hottub until God revealed something big to me. He did! And I had one of the most amazing years of my life because I took the time to listen to him speak to me.

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