These Guys

I had a meeting this morning with Kip Jones & Fred Kent. We were planning and looking ahead to the launch of Antioch Church this Sunday. It has been great working with these guys!

The fun part about launching a church is that it’s impossible to do it alone. Everything is new, nothing is easy and all the dreams are big! It demands teamwork and it requires creativity and commitment.

The fun I’ve had this week seeing people pitch in and get excited has reaffirmed my belief in the local church and fueled my passion to see Antioch become an extraordinary community!

By the way, we’ve had fun making fun of this picture of Kip :)

Kip Jones

7 thoughts on “These Guys”

  1. Ken,

    You are so right about not being able to plant a church on your own. God has given you an incredible team! The fact they look good in orange hard hats is just a bonus ;)


  2. Hey, Kipper-D! How d’ya spell “S.P.E.C.I.A.L”?

    Oh, yeah….and where can I get me one of them things? Dandy! EEYOW! :)

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