Cauzal Coffee

I had the privilege yesterday to sit in on some of the final brainstorming sessions around the marketing launch for Cauzal Coffee.

Cauzal Coffee is the brainchild of a friend who wants to creatively leverage consumer spending for the benefit of others.

It is one of the coolest ideas that I’ve run across in a while.

Not only does the company donate 25% of the gross to a humanitarian cause of your choice, but there is also a high tech fund raising apparatus called MyCauze / OurCauze.

MyCauze and OurCauze allows you to set up your own cauze such as your own missions trip, a relief project or outside organization that you believe in and fundraise around it. Not only does the 25% go to your cauze (yes, that’s how they spell it), but people can also donate however much they want.

It is one of the easiest and best fund raising platforms out there.

So visit the sight… drink coffee while helping others… and make sure to set up a MyCauze or OurCauze supporting something you believe in!!



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