Kilns College Fall Schedule

Here’s the text from the fall schedule flyer for the college.  Some pretty cool classes as well as new art courses resulting from the State Approval of the 1 Year Bible and Arts degree.

E-mail Kim Hunt at [email protected] if you have any questions or visit for more info.

Either take a class for college credit or simply make it your “small group” for the fall and come to learn!


Fall 2009 Schedule
Classes at Kilns College can be taken as adult education or enrichment (audit) or for college credit (for credit). The Cost
is $50 / unit for audit and $75 / unit for credit .   Classes begin Monday, September 14th.
If you have any questions or would like to register for a class, e-mail Kim Hunt at [email protected] or register
online at and click on “academics.”
Critical Thinking (PHIL – 112)
This course will examine the relationship between faith and reason and the biblical and theological basis for training our minds. We
will learn how to assess and respond to arguments raised against Christianity. We will study the basics of logic and learn to identify
informal logical fallacies. We will also discuss how to get the most out of reading.  This course is designed to help you love the Lord
with all your mind.  (Monday, 6:30 – 9:00 pm, Credits 3, Instructor: Rick Gerhardt)
Old Testament Survey (OT – 101)
An introductory overview of the Old Testament which includes a historical chronology of the key events and personalities in the
Old Testament, and a synopsis of key literary features of the Old Testament.  Outcomes include the ability to (1) present 3
reasonable arguments on the benefits of studying the Old Testament, (2) identify from the English version, all of the sections of the
Old Testament and all the Old Testament books within each section, and (3) identify 50 historical “highpoints” of the Old Testament
in chronological order.  (Tuesday, 6:30 – 9:00 pm, Credits 3, Instructor: Dr. Rob Pearson)
The History and Philosophy of Human Rights (MI – 102)
The purpose of the course is to present an introductory examination of Human Rights from an Evangelical Christian perspective.
The main outcome goals are (1) to help the student understand the historical and philosophical development of human rights
around the world, and (2) to assist the student in understanding the Biblical basis for human rights.  (Wednesday Mornings, 9:00
– 11:30 am, Credits 3, Instructors:  Mike Caba & Ken Wytsma)
The Book of Matthew (NT – 211)
The purpose of this course is to edify followers of Jesus Christ through an understanding of the Gospel of Matthew, its purpose, and
how its components contribute to that purpose. Intended goals for this course include: 1) the student being able to explain the
significance of the events in the life of Christ as recorded in Matthew and their contribution to Matthew’s purpose and 2) the
student increasing in their love for Christ and conviction to follow Him.  (Wednesday, 6:30 – 9:00 pm, Credits 3, Instructor: John
Renaissance to Contemporary Art  (ART – 103)
This class is an overview of art history that examines the major movements, ideas, artists and works of art from the Renaissance to
Post Modernism.  Our study will focus on the nature of unfolding visual languages and their relationship to the ideas and beliefs
those languages express and give form to. A Christian perspective will be utilized in order to point out the ultimately spiritual
character of human art making. The course will include an emphasis on the value that a solid education in art history has for the
Christian who truly wishes to understand and appreciate art today.  (4 weekend seminars: September 18th/19th, Oct 2nd/3rd,
Oct 16th/17th, Nov 6th/7th, Credits 3, Instructors:  Dr. Wes Hurd and Sarah Vander Neut (Lodwick)
Art Practicum – Photography (ART –  201)
Focused exploration of photography covering creative, technical and historical aspects.  (Thursday, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Credits 2,
Instructors: Jane Johnson (Ethni Photography) & Ben Edwards (Benjamin Edwards Photography)
Fall 2009 Schedule
Classes at Kilns College can be taken as adult education or enrichment (audit) or for college credit (for credit). The Cost is $50 / unit for audit and $75 / unit for credit .   Classes begin Monday, September 14th.
Critical Thinking (PHIL – 112)
This course will examine the relationship between faith and reason and the biblical and theological basis for training our minds. We will learn how to assess and respond to arguments raised against Christianity. We will study the basics of logic and learn to identify informal logical fallacies. We will also discuss how to get the most out of reading.  This course is designed to help you love the Lord with all your mind.  (Monday, 6:30 – 9:00 pm, Credits 3, Instructor: Rick Gerhardt)
Old Testament Survey (OT – 101)
An introductory overview of the Old Testament which includes a historical chronology of the key events and personalities in the Old Testament, and a synopsis of key literary features of the Old Testament.  Outcomes include the ability to (1) present 3 reasonable arguments on the benefits of studying the Old Testament, (2) identify from the English version, all of the sections of the Old Testament and all the Old Testament books within each section, and (3) identify 50 historical “highpoints” of the Old Testament in chronological order.  (Tuesday, 6:30 – 9:00 pm, Credits 3, Instructor: Dr. Rob Pearson)
The History and Philosophy of Human Rights (MI – 102)
The purpose of the course is to present an introductory examination of Human Rights from an Evangelical Christian perspective. The main outcome goals are (1) to help the student understand the historical and philosophical development of human rights around the world, and (2) to assist the student in understanding the Biblical basis for human rights.  (Wednesday Mornings, 9:00– 11:30 am, Credits 3, Instructors:  Mike Caba & Ken Wytsma)
The Book of Matthew (NT – 211)
The purpose of this course is to edify followers of Jesus Christ through an understanding of the Gospel of Matthew, its purpose, and how its components contribute to that purpose. Intended goals for this course include: 1) the student being able to explain the significance of the events in the life of Christ as recorded in Matthew and their contribution to Matthew’s purpose and 2) the student increasing in their love for Christ and conviction to follow Him.  (Wednesday, 6:30 – 9:00 pm, Credits 3, Instructor: John Lodwick)
Renaissance to Contemporary Art  (ART – 103)
This class is an overview of art history that examines the major movements, ideas, artists and works of art from the Renaissance to Post Modernism.  Our study will focus on the nature of unfolding visual languages and their relationship to the ideas and beliefs those languages express and give form to. A Christian perspective will be utilized in order to point out the ultimately spiritual character of human art making. The course will include an emphasis on the value that a solid education in art history has for the Christian who truly wishes to understand and appreciate art today.  (4 weekend seminars: September 18th/19th, Oct 2nd/3rd, Oct 16th/17th, Nov 6th/7th, Credits 3, Instructors:  Dr. Wes Hurd and Sarah Vander Neut (Lodwick)
Art Practicum – Photography (ART –  201)
Focused exploration of photography covering creative, technical and historical aspects.  (Thursday, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Credits 2, Instructors: Jane Johnson (Ethni Photography) & Ben Edwards (Benjamin Edwards Photography)

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