This Thursday I am kicking off the class that I am teaching through Kilns College called Personal Calling and Mission.
I’m pretty jazzed on the class and specifically on the reading. It is like a who’s who of my favorite books and essays…
– Augustine’s Confession’s
– Bonhoeffer’s Life Together
– C.S. Lewis’s essay “The Weight of Glory”
– Henry David Thoreau’s “Life Without Principle”
– The Strengthsfinder book / test
Not to mention some of my favorite historical narratives from the Old and New Testament. I’m beginning to remember how much I love the classroom environment!!
There are two seats still open… so if you have Thursday’s free from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. just shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] and let me know that you’re coming!
I hope your class goes great! It sounds so interesting.
I just love the emphasis that Antioch makes on actually TEACHING and encouraging THINKING. The class I attended at the Kilns this week was largely attended by people taking it under the adult education category. It seems to me that people are hungry to learn and be challenged spiritually and intellectually and have finally found a place that honestly does that.