This past Monday, Brandon Reynolds finalized the Antioch Summer Intern roster.
There are 17 college and grad students coming from all over the country – and even one intern from Kenya.
What’s amazing is that we turned away over 15 applicants and still wound up with 5 more than we expected!!
We’re pretty stoked about playing, connecting and doing ministry with the crew starting June 1.
Here’s a little pic of the interns and where they’re coming from.
Wow! That’s amazing!!!
What a great opportunity for both the students as well as the church.
Great job to whoever worked on this!
17 Interns! That’s amazing!
I can’t wait to see what this summer holds. I know it will be absolutely life changing for the students who get to be a part of Antioch Church for the summer. God’s been doing some pretty amazing things!
I am really looking forward to getting to know these people too! It’s going to be the best summer ever!!!