The Best Summer of Your Life

Antioch Internship: The Best Summer of Your Life

Do you ever wonder, “How can I make the most of my college years?”  There will never be another time of your life quite like this one.  The college years are marked by the unique challenge of navigating what is inherently a transitional time in your life.

  • You’re deciding who you’re going to be and what you’re going to do with the rest of your life.
  • You’re making new friends and learning how to live in community with people who are different than you.
  • You’re facing questions about what you believe.  “Is this my faith or my parents’ faith?”
  • You’re figuring out how to balance the stress and schedule of school, relationships, work and social life.
You aren’t what you were but you aren’t yet what you’re going to be.  But that doesn’t mean you can’t do something significant with these years of your life.  Throughout history, God has often used young adults to carry out his purposes in the world.  You may not have it all figured out yet, (heads up, you never will) but God is in the business of taking people who are in process and working in them and through them to advance his kingdom on earth.
The Antioch Summer Internship is an opportunity for college students to dedicate a nine weeks of their summer to the formation of their faith through serving Christ in the context of a local church.  Every summer 20-30 college students come to Bend, Oregon to serve alongside our vibrant, justice-minded church in a variety of ministry focuses including missions and justice, worship and the arts, media and design, student ministry and children’s ministry.
In addition to being mentored in ministry, you will also experience in-depth biblical and theological teaching from our pastors and guest speakers, form life-long friendships with peers from all over the country, and enjoy the beauty and recreation of Central Oregon’s mountains, rivers, lakes and trails.
If you are a college student looking to make the most of your summer months, you can learn more about our internship and apply here:

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