Augustine on Happiness

I’d love to use all these quotes in my message this Sunday, but don’t know that I’ll be able to get to them all. Posting them here is the second best option!!

“Moreover, how can he give eternal life who cannot give happiness? For we mean by eternal life that life where there is endless happiness.” – City of God
“A joy there is that is not granted to the godless, but to those only who worship you without looking for reward, because you yourself are their joy. This is the happy life, and this along: to rejoice in you, about you and because of you. This is the life of happiness, and it is not to be found anywhere else.” – Confessions
“…it is you who are arousing their delight in these things; and anything that gives us joy through your Spirit gives you joy in us.” – Confessions
“… no one is blessed who does not enjoy that which he loves.” – Confessions
“… it is not without meaning that it is said that all sin is a life. For no sin is committed save by that desire or will by which we desire that it be well with us, and shrink from it being ill with us. That, therefore, is a lie which we do in order that it may be well with us, but which makes us more miserable than we were. And why is this, but because the source of man’s happiness lies only in God, whom he abandons when he sins, and not in himself, by living according to whom he sins?” – City of God

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