Baker Street Irregulars

The name Baker Street Irregulars has had a long history.

Among other things, the name was used of the special operations group tasked by Winston Churchill to “set Europe ablaze” during World War II.

The original irregulars were a group of fictional characters featured in the Sherlock Holmes stories, first appearing in the novel A Study in Scarlet (1886). They were a group of street urchins who helped Holmes out from time to time.

Most notably, however, the name was used for a group of Sherlock Holmes enthusiasts that included men like Franklin Deleno Rousevelt.

What is intruiging to me is how much I like when a group is called by a name.

Call me strange, but I loved the “The Dead Poet’s Society” in the movie by the same name and have always been fascinated by C.S. Lewis’s group called “The Inklings.”

If you’re going to be a cool group you have to have a cool name!!

A friend of mine and I kicked it around a couple of years back and were going to have a group called “The Tweed Jacket Society” so that we could sit around in tweed jackets and smoke pipes. Other than getting a cheesy tweed jacket from Good Will with arms way too short — it never went anywhere.

Anyway, I’m kind of thinking that it’d be cool to pull together a group of friends into some kind of semi-secret society just so we can name ourselves.

Any Baker Street Irregulars out there who like the name thing — or am I just weird??

6 thoughts on “Baker Street Irregulars”

  1. Just name the elder board something fun and flashy and you’ll kill two birds with one stone :D

    Then you could get a cool insignia made too!

  2. With tongue firmly planted in cheek and absolutely no offense intended, I offer a few decidedly anti-Pascalian pensees of my own…

    ANONYMOUS WROTE: "Just name the elder board something fun and flashy and you'll kill two birds with one stone :D"

    I'm inclined to think this:

    "Just name the elder board something fun and flashy and they'll kill a bird like you with two stones."

    And as for that part about "Then you could get a cool insignia made too!"

    I'm inclined to think that cool insignia could be a large gaping hole in the middle of your forehead, where the head elder caught you with a stone of his own.

    (Then again, that insignia might be a sheet of cardboard about 36 inches square that reads: "PARSONAGE-LESS … Will minister for food!")

    Wasn't it Jesus who said: "Let he who is without tweed have no place to call home or lay his head"?

    Both of which make me think, "How about 'THE TWEEDY BIRDS'"? (Doesn't that sound like a 60s British Invasion rock group?)

    How about "THE ANTI OCHS"?

    How about "THE ANTI OX"?

    How about "THE OXY MORONS"?

    How about "THE MORONOX"?

    How about "THE ANTI MORONIS"? (A club for anti Mormons)

    How about "THE JERICHO BUGLERS"?

    How about thinking more "English" and founding "THE BAKER STREET BOG"? (Well, Scotland is close, right?)

    Then again, since we are the cause and reason for His sacrifice, how about "THE CRIMSON STRIPES"?

    Yours in the Grip of God's Extravagant Grace,


    P.S. Thanks for the post and photo of Stephan Bauman — INDIANA STEVE & THE TEMPLE OF HOPE! I hope he was as much a blessing to your church family this past May as he has been, for so many years, to my church (his home church) and "real" family!

  3. Sorry for the duplicate posts, which I’ve deleted…

    My keyboard apparently stuck and kept clicking on the publish button numerous times!


    (Do real Christian men say “Eeeck!”?)

    I say, dear Watson: The game’s afoot!

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