Universalism (Heaven, Hell and whether everyone is eventually saved) has been a pretty hot topic lately. Here’s a video from Rick McKinley at Redux that recently got picked up by ChurchLeaders.com
Universalism (Heaven, Hell and whether everyone is eventually saved) has been a pretty hot topic lately. Here’s a video from Rick McKinley at Redux that recently got picked up by ChurchLeaders.com
We’re launching into a two week series on Heaven and Hell this Sunday at Antioch. Lots of confusion around this one and I’ve been wanting to try and frame the conversation a little better for quite a while now. We’ll see how it goes! Also, check out the artwork below from Janet – one of
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Tomorrow is the second part of the two-part series on Heaven at Antioch. I really wish I had made it a longer series. If I had, I probably would have done one message on Hell and then (because it would be fun!) another using C.S. Lewis’s The Great Divorce as a jumping off point. If
We’re kicking off a two week series on Heaven this Sunday at Antioch. Heaven is a subject that I’ve been particularly interested in for a long time. For much of Christian history, it was one of the major topics of books, sermons and discussions. In recent history, however, it has been largely pushed to the
In Act II of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Antonio says to Sabastian, “What’s past is prologue.” I’ve been thinking of that for the last hour or so… what’s past – the trials the difficulties the struggles, are really just the beginning. They are the prologue. They are what the author writes to set the stage for
Hoping for Bedrock Read More »