Kilns College

Do Grades Hinder the Learning Process?

Guest Post :: Do Grades Hinder the Learning Process?

Guest Bloggers: Melissa McCreery, VP of Development at Kilns College Do Grades Hinder the Learning Process? According to the story “Secret World of Student Cheaters” featured on the Today Show earlier this week, a new survey reports that 63 percent of college students admit to cheating. It seems a majority of students are looking for […]

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Are Liberal Arts Colleges Facing Extinction?

By Guest Blogger: Melissa McCreery I recently read an article about the decline of Liberal Arts colleges in America. It appears that administrators at many liberal arts schools may be bailing on their mission statement—to provide a classical approach to education that teaches students to question, analyze, and think critically—in favor of adding vocational and professional

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Guest Post: College Students Defy Stereotype

Guest Bloggers: Melissa McCreery, VP of Development at Kilns College College students tend to get a bad rap. The prevalent stereotype is that students are self- serving party animals that care little about the future or consequences of their actions. Additionally, they’re usually labeled as cheap (for example, often failing to scrounge up a decent

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Guest Post :: What Would Lincoln Say?

Guest Bloggers: Melissa McCreery, VP of Development at Kilns College My husband and I—along with a multitude of other people across the country—went to see Lincoln on it’s opening weekend. The movie brought in $21 million that weekend—quite a sizable income considering it was up against Twilight’s Breaking Dawn and Skyfall, the latest James Bond

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Future Generations Burdened by Excessive Student Debt

Editor’s Note: Melissa is the Vice President of Development at Kilns College. By Guest Blogger: Melissa McCreery I came across this video while researching an entirely different topic for a different assignment. The New York Times video—coupled with an email I received from a prominent higher education journal inviting me to attend a seminar on Student Loan

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Higher Education: A Victim or Catalyst of Consumer Culture?

Editor’s Note: Melissa is the Vice President of Development at Kilns College. By Guest Blogger: Melissa McCreery “How can a writing class possibly help me land a job as a aerospace engineer?” “Which class looks better on my resume—Biochemistry or Spanish?” “Do employers look favorably on applicants who study abroad?” Over the course of my

Higher Education: A Victim or Catalyst of Consumer Culture? Read More »