guest bloggers

Guest Post: College Students Defy Stereotype

Guest Bloggers: Melissa McCreery, VP of Development at Kilns College College students tend to get a bad rap. The prevalent stereotype is that students are self- serving party animals that care little about the future or consequences of their actions. Additionally, they’re usually labeled as cheap (for example, often failing to scrounge up a decent

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Guest Blog Post :: Mara Family

Guest Bloggers: Mike & Ann Mara Kijabe, Kenya, is a small village situated about an hours drive from the bustling capitol city of Nairobi. The main road out of the city winds its way up over 8,000 feet elevation along the rim of the Great Rift Valley. As one slowly ascends in elevation, the views

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Future Generations Burdened by Excessive Student Debt

Editor’s Note: Melissa is the Vice President of Development at Kilns College. By Guest Blogger: Melissa McCreery I came across this video while researching an entirely different topic for a different assignment. The New York Times video—coupled with an email I received from a prominent higher education journal inviting me to attend a seminar on Student Loan

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