This week is “Community” week at Antioch.
In church, every week should be community week, but this one’s a little different as we’re launching 32 community groups and having a catered lunch by Aloho Cafe on Sunday after the service.
Antioch has always had a tough time with Community and Small Groups, so Brandon Reynolds has recently moved his whole focus to interns, community groups and getting people connected at Antioch. He now goes by the title of “Community Pastor” and is loving getting to focus on people.
Brandon has been slaving away for months to revamp the connection process at Antioch and to plan for the kick-off this Sunday. Our goal is to have everyone in Antioch tied in relationally in some meaningful capacity with other people at Antioch. Community Groups aren’t the goal… they are simply a tool or a means to the end of true organic community and authentic relationships.
If you live in Bend, have any questions or want to help in this area of ministry, e-mail him at [email protected]
Brandon also designed a shirt for community@antioch – so here’s a picture of the staff with their uniform for Sunday!!