It’s been a crazy few weeks!
There have been a lot of amazing changes (like with World Relief NEXT that I will share about with Antioch on Sunday), a lot of cool beginnings (the five Fall classes at Kilns College) and a lot of challenges – I wish churches didn’t need money to operate!
Anyway, one of the coolest things to happen recently were the 200+ new people who signed up for groups at Antioch yesterday after church. There’s been a really cool community vibe going on lately, and yesterday provided the metric to see it. People are engaging people. People are taking the initiative to build community.
I told Tamara on the way home that it is almost like Antioch (which was a church plant in October 2006) “replanted” itself yesterday.
In the midst of a lot going on – I’m pretty thankful to be a part of a community like this.