Congolese Mountains

I’m sitting on the porch of the Brose’s old home in Burundi looking out over Lake Tanganyika at the Congolese Mountains.

Burundi, which is the 3rd poorest country in Africa, is one of the most beautiful places that I’ve ever been.  Like Rwanda, it is a nation of hills and beautiful trees.

We have had nonstop meetings with the World Relief staff and I have met some of the most capable people that I have ever met.  World Relief has an amazing vision as well as quality people.

The internet is very slow… so I will save all the tidbits for some other time.

Everyone is doing good!!

2 thoughts on “Congolese Mountains”

  1. Hey Ken – this is Charlene Schulz. I know you haven’t heard from me in a while but I was at church last weekend and heard about your gold jacket… was soo hoping to see a photo of you so very dazzling. Hope you found your luggage. I know God is smiling when he thinks of you so spiffed up in gold! Saddleback – you may be big but you don’t have the “gold” we have! Take care and see you when you get home. Char (Keri’s mom – remember me?)

  2. Hello Ken, Kim, John, Courtney, Beth & Ben…you all completely rock my world by what you’re doing over there. My heart is with you!

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