Currently Reading

Someone asked me what I’m reading, so I thought I’d share what’s on my nightstand.

1.  Wittgenstein’s Poker: The Story of a Ten-Minute Argument between Two Great Philosophers by David Edmonds and John Eidinow.  It’s the history of a certain part of philosophy – namely, Karl Popper and Ludwig Wittgentstein.  You’ll probably like it if you like history.

2.  Buyology: Truth and Lies About What We Buy by Martin Lindstrom.  Recommended by my friend Bill Chiaravelle.  So far it’s a pretty fascinating explanation and exploration into decision making and how that affects branding.

3.  The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West by Niall Ferguson.  This book is a whopper… over 800 pages.  It’s taking me a while, but it is a fascinating look at the last century by an amazing mind (check out Cash Nexus by Niall Ferguson too).

4. Justice: A Reader by Michael Sandel.  This is the compendium that Sandel uses with his Harvard course on Justice.  It’s one of the best readers that I found when prepping for the History of Human Rights course I’m co-teaching at Kilns College this fall.

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