
I came across this thought from Dostoyevsky in my reading this morning:

“Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on Earth.”

What do you think?

2 thoughts on “Dostoyevsky”

  1. Sadness and pain causes people to hit bottom, often turning to someone bigger than themselves. If one is fortunate enough to turn to God they find that they become a person who is stronger than they were before. It is when this happens that character is built, intelligence grows and souls are restored!

  2. The greatest intelligence known to man and the deepest love, a love beyond our most expansive understanding, resided in the person of the God-man, the son of Man, our Lord Jesus Christ. His life was marked by pain and suffering unto an atoning death – to give New Birth of a Renewed Mind and Heart to undeserving men and women. Small minds and shallow hearts seek after the comforts of this Age – the Easy Path. The closer we redeemed people come to live in the likeness of Christ the more we will regard a large intelligence, a deep heart and perhaps a Lovers Quarrel with the World – Sojourners on Earth.

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