Give Your Life Away

We’re launching into a five week series at Antioch called Give Your Life Away this Sunday on Easter.

It says in the book of Hebrews that Jesus endured the cross “for the joy set before him.”  We endure pain or suffer costs based on the belief of some good or goods we will attain because of it. We are motivated by the idea of better future realities.

Faith, ultimately, is at the heart of endurance.  Faith that God will provide.  Faith that God will meet us.  Faith that God will make good on his promises.  Faith that the reward is greater than the cost.

When Jesus calls us to follow, he calls us to give our lives away as he did.  When Jesus calls us to follow, he calls us to see a better reality and be motivated by the joy set before us.  When Jesus calls us to follow, he asks us to believe that the reward is greater than the cost.  When Jesus calls us to follow, he is calling us to faith.

We’re planning on making this series very practical with plenty of opportunity for people to take steps to grow in their faith.

Call me strange, but I really like Sunday mornings.  This one is no different… I’m really looking forward to Easter!!

(Click on the picture below to read about the Easter Services at Antioch)

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