Green Light

Green Light

I found myself in a conversation tonight where it became painfully obvious that too many people feel too comfortable or too confined to the sidelines of ministry and church.

Such people feel forced to “watch” the game like an armchair quarterback watches and critiques his favorite team.

Christians, however, are a part of the body. They are organically connected and share the same degree of ownership and responsibility the pastors, elders or any other positioned church leader does.

It’s all a green light!! :) The whole church body gets to be involved in making a difference and changing lives. Nobody has to wait on the pastor to fix everyone or change the whole community – it’s a calling we all get to take part in whatever season of life we’re in.

Knowledge puffs up. It leads to tension and frustration if someone only uses it to compare and critique. This might be okay when watching football, but in the Christian world nobody has to sit on the sidelines frustrated. The same knowledge that is a temptation to pride when sitting in the Lazy Boy becomes a wonderful asset when used in ministry.

The green light makes all the difference :)

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