I just agreed today to teach a Tuesday night class this spring through Kilns College called, “The History and Philosophy of Atheism.”
I’m pretty convinced that the conversation that needs to happen about faith is evolving from what it has been in previous generations. A lot of it used to be in-house Christian dialogue – theology, doctrine, style etc. Now it is much more fundamentally about why believe, why go to church, atheism, the poison of religion and church history, the control and power of pastors and churches. Essentially, the authority and respect of the church is being challenged and needs to be addressed in a well thought out manner that does justice to the questions and the people asking them.
It doesn’t mean that the previous dialogue is meaningless. It simply means that it is relevant to less and less people because of a more pressing conversation or set of questions and doubts.
The History of Atheism course along with the new Q&A based service we’re working on at Antioch are two of the things I am most passionate about right now.
If you have Tuesday nights free this Winter / Spring plan on coming to the Kilns class!!
It has been a long time in the making. American liberties with the things of God (some things possibly done in God’s Name) have eroded the lines that used to secure and protect the flock. This is becoming the new battlefront for Christianity. Question is are Christian leaders equipped and prepared to handle the discourse and the potential fallout of such discussion. Hurray Ken for the man-up.