Jesus and the American Church

Jesus and the American Church

We had our once-a-month staff lunch today. It’s the only time I ever think about going to Applebee’s and for some strange reason, I always look forward to it.

Anyway, our staff meetings are a riot. We have fun, make plans, have a devotional, and give ministry reports among other things.

Today for the devotional time we asked the question, “What would Jesus say to churches in America?” (It was our modern version of Jesus’ letters to the seven churches in the book of Revelation.)

We all gave our own thoughts and interacted with each other’s ideas as well. What struck me about the whole exercise was that everyone (Rick, Kim, Kip, Fred & myself) seemed to hover around the same theme: We need to take God more seriously.

This theme worked itself out into how we talk about God, how we communicate with kids, how we discipline our own lives, and how we pursue God in prayer and solitude.

All of our thoughts overlapped and reinforced the others… and in the end, I commented on how neat it is to serve with a group that shares the same heart and mind on the most important of things.

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