Just a Christian

Just a Christian

I’ve decided not to refer to myself as an “Evangelical” anymore. If you’ve been following the news, you might know what has prompted me to make this decision.

Paul wanted to know “only Christ, and him crucified.” I guess that I’m realizing that I want to be known by the most basic of facts and not tie myself in with labels, sects, or denominations that somehow are beyond my control yet affect how others see me. I’m tired of being lumped in with the complete mess that others have made of the Conservative Evangelical name. (I suppose they’ve soiled the label “Christian” as well, but it’s the one name or label I can’t give up…)

I wish that I could walk out on the street and have a blank slate with others – to be seen as normal or authentic or honest unless I actually do something that contradicts it. Unfortunately, it’s becoming harder and harder for non-Christians to look at me through unbiased eyes.

So here I am. I am a Christian. I am a Christian man and leader.

I desire no other name…

4 thoughts on “Just a Christian”

  1. I don’t know that any of us truly understand the spiritual battle that exists. Our minds can only conceive so much and our selfishness takes up the rest.

    We need to take seriously our position here on earth and put on our armor daily, Eph 6:11-17.

    Satan is going to be all about attacking Antioch right now, lets be ready for battle!

  2. I’m not sure that I like the title of Christian either. I might prefer “follower of Jesus”. That removes the judgement and states it more clearly. The old school term “Christian” means “little Christ”, something few of us including me are worthy of.

  3. Some other thoughts…throughout history many so called leaders, called “Christians”, “Evangelicals”, etc. who were supposed to to be followers of Jesus, plundered, raped, murdered and fell in many ways in the name of Christ, as well as those who have done incredible damage with false teaching. We have an instinct to see this as a failure and a setback for His kingdom. God, in his sovereignty always knows what He is doing, and He has allowed all of this– and He has an amazing track record of doing what is best.
    –as followers of Jesus we need to offer the unsaved sincere apologies for such gross misrepresentations of Him and humbly ask for forgiveness and the willingness to look into Jesus apart from the failures people that call themselves His followers, whatever their names may be.

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