Life is messy. God is mysterious. Faith is still possible <–Tweet that
Today is the official launch day for The Grand Paradox: The Messiness of Life, the Mystery of God, and the Necessity of Faith.
Thank you to all who supported this project… from those who helped in crafting it within the Antioch community to the folks at Thomas Nelson who steered, edited and packaged a pretty rough work into what it is today.
The question is, would you be willing to help with the launch today? If so, here are two things that would be helpful:
- Order a copy on or Barnes & Noble to help our launch day stats (which helps move things forward)
- E-mail a pastor, influencer or friend who might benefit from the book. My prayer has always been that it might simply be used to change lives and encourage men and women in their pursuit of God.
Thank you in advance for your help and support!