Have you ever found that the more you think about getting gifts — the more you think about getting gifts?
It’s a vicious cycle!!
So anyway, in thinking about things that I’d like, I also found myself thinking about things I’d like for Antioch.
So here is the (unofficial) Antioch Christmas Wishlist:
- That God would bring us the mysterious “4th Pastor” that the leadership has been praying about for a year…
- That we would find someone who loves creating PowerPoint slides (for announcements etc.) and would like to take it on as a ministry…
- That God would drop $20,000 into our laps so that we could move into offices in the Old Mill District where the church meets (I know, it’s a pretty big wish :)
- That God would help us get an adequate projector to use for the theatre so that the worship slides and videos would be clear…
- That God would continue to draw artists to Antioch (I love creative people!!)
- That 60% of our church would find themselves in small groups beginning in January…
- Lastly, that the church would continue to grow as a community who loves, enjoys and can’t wait to spend time with each other :)
Yeah, I second that…what he said :)
Perhaps your wishes will be granted…
#2 & #5