Justice Conference

Cool updates on the Justice Conference for next year!!

Nicholas Wolterstorff just committed to be one of the plenary speakers.  Dr. Wolterstorff is a Christian philosopher who teaches at Yale and is considered one of the leading experts on justice and human rights.  He travels the world speaking to conferences, governments and law enforcement bodies on the topic of justice.  His recent book, Justice: Rights and Wrongs, is considered a standard in the academic world.

Also, below is a copy of the conference artwork that Bill Chiaravelle from Brand Navigation worked up.  Not only is it the branding of the conference, but we are having a number of limited edition prints made to sell and raise funds for the conference.  E-mail us at info (at) kilnscollege.org if you’d like to purchase one!!

The details of the conference and a limited “conference price” will be available next weekend at the Apologetics Conference.  Make sure to register ahead of time and pick up a justice print!!

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