Kids Art Book

I’m not really involved in this one all that much, but I think it is pretty darn cool.

The Antioch Kids Art Book is going to be a collaboration of art work from students within the church put into actual book form. (Can you see all the Christmas presents that grandparents will be getting?!)

Here’s the cover that Gary Christenson worked up…

6 thoughts on “Kids Art Book”

  1. kinda seems like a waste when you don’t have any $$ over there. hmmmm. how are the sales of that other art book project? hmmmm.

  2. To the person who posted the above comment – pretty ignorant statement and if I were you I’d leave your narrow minded opinion for an area where you actually know what you’re talking about.

  3. Absolutely incredible. I love the cover and think it is a great idea! Thank you Gary. You are so talented along with being a great guy! What a wonderful venture to encourage creativity and the arts in kids. I have been working in the applied arts as a vocation for over 20 years mostly due to the encouragement from others. I believe this project has the potential to do the same for many others to discover their God-given gifts.

    Art is never a waste if inspired by the desire to encourage others or simply to create because that is who God made you to be. God Himself created the heavens and the earth and it has yet to be “profitable” for him. It has actually “cost” him his son, Jesus Christ. But one day it will bring a return of glory beyond all we can imagine. By creating, we are simply mimicking the Divine Creator… and that IS profitable.

  4. Thanks Ken and the rest of the staff, for encouraging arts in our church. This is such a great example to our (well…everybody else’s, considering I don’t have any kids yet!) kiddos that God makes each of us individually for different purposes that are to point to His glory. :)

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