Life Together

The staff is going to start reading Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Life Together starting today at our monthly Creative Team meeting.

Life Together is a fascinating book. Bonhoeffer, who was a German theologian before and during WWII, wrote this about his time living in community at an underground seminary in Finkenwalde.

Hitler’s government had shut down all the churches and schools who were not a part of the state sponsored church, so Bonhoeffer and others started a church called the “Confessing Church” and opened an illegal seminary that would eventually be raided and shut down by the Nazis.

His thoughts on community, brotherhood, the church and many other topics in this short work are born out of some of the most extreme conditions and are utterly prophetic and profound.

We’ve got this book at The Kilns Bookstore as well as the book cart at Antioch… feel free to read along!!

As Kim just said, “Whenever there’s a chance to give a shout out to Bonhoeffer we should do it!!”

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