Have you ever had that realization the older you get that you are more like your parents than you thought?
My sister sent me an e-mail today saying that she is a lot like dad (in reference to one of his primary virtues).
I’ve been having the same experience lately about feeling “like dad.”
Here’s my list: I like quiet now (even though I always craved crowds and people), I listen to soft and relaxing music (pretty big change from The Grateful Dead that I listened to in college), I like to unwind in the evenings and sometimes watch a little tv (I always remember my dad falling asleep on the couch in the evenings)… anyway, the list could go on.
We spend most of our early lives fighting to be unique only to realize later that we’re a lot like those around us. It’s kind of like pulling on rubber… it’s a lot of work and it will just go back to the original shape when you stop and take a breath.
There’s a lot more uniformity in this world than I think we realize.
I kind of hope that it holds true in the spiritual world too and that someday I’ll find out that I’m a little more like The Heavenly Father than I think I am.
Just thinking…
Well in my opinion, being like John is fabulous. He is one of my favorite people :)
I also love your analogies. They just put things into perspective.
One more thing–I feel like I’m the blog super fan. I hope you don’t mind me leaving comments on everything haha…I guess I always just have something to add……..
Comment away!!!