Monday Night Football and Life

I watched the Cowboys game last night on Monday Night Football with a good friend Evan Hendrix. The game was insane…

It was the second most points ever in a Monday Night Football game and the most total points in a game ever for both the Cowboys and Eagles. The ball just kept bouncing in the craziest directions!!

This morning as I was in my half asleep – kids wake us up way too often – fog, I kind of drifted into thinking of life like that football game.

It’s crazy how the ball bounces sometimes!!

The good thing is that in the crazy times of life, prayer comes pretty easy. You don’t look at a roadmap when you’re on cruise control, but you frantically pour over it when you’re in a big city and worried about making a wrong turn. Prayer is the same way for me… when life is easy we just don’t need God as much.

As Paul wrote, “When I am weak, then I am strong.”

It is just another one of those counter intuitive parts of faith that first really is last and bad – oftentimes – is good.

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