
Ministry takes money.  Often, ministry is money (see Acts 2 and the idea of charity and benevolence).

I’ve always hated this.  Money has got to be my least favorite aspect of being a pastor and church planter.  I hate it so much that I more often get criticized for not talking about it than talking about it.  (Imagine that!)
Anyway, money has gotten to be such a big headache and hindrance in my primary ministry areas of Antioch, Kilns College and World Relief NEXT that I thought I’d write about it.
My thought was that there might be a millionaire out there (or even someone with 500 dollars) who is willing to help out.
If you woke up in the middle of last night feeling like giving to a worthwhile cause, let me know.
If you’d like to help out or see a list of different needs that you can contribute to… e-mail me at [email protected]



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