Needs List

Someone asked me today what the needs are at Antioch.

It’s a pretty timely question.  There are plenty of needs at Antioch – most of which are probably easy to resolve if we just get the message to the right people.

I’ve always been impressed with what can happen when people creatively come together to solve problems.  In fact, Paul ends his metaphor likening the church community to an interdependent body by stating that with Christ as the Head, the whole body “grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”

That’s not a guilt statement – just a pretty cool picture and dream of the church being more than a spectator sport!

Anyway, we actually put out an e-newsletter this past week, for the first time ever, devoted wholly to needs.

Click here or on the picture below to see the “NEEDS LIST” and see if there’s not something on there you might be able to help us cross off the list!!

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