Stop Traffick Fashion

Organization Spotlight: Stop Traffick Fashion

There are many things Bend, Oregon is known for: we’ve got more brew pubs per capita than anywhere in the states, we were dubbed “dogtown USA” last year for having some 27,000 dogs for 80,000 people, there are more mountain bike miles than any other geographical area this size and this week we were just ranked the “fourth most hospitable city in America.”

Additionally, Bend was also labeled as the next big city in entrepreneurship by Entrepreneur magazine.

It is this last feature of Bend I get most excited about. I love that Bend is becoming a hub for non-profit leaders and social entrepreneurs.

One example is my friend Emily Hill.  Drawn by the new Master of Arts in Social Justice at Kilns College and the growing community of those participating in the conversation and work of justice, Emily, recently moved from Cincinnati to Bend. Emily studied economics at Miami University, has worked in international market research with The Nielsen Company and is also the founder of Stop Traffick Fashion.

Stop Traffick Fashion is all about empowering women around the world. Started in 2009, Stop Traffick Fashion provides opportunities and hope for survivors of human trafficking, while offering  ethical fashion. Survivors and those at-risk of human trafficking make all of their products and the women are paid a fair wage for their work. This equips them to create a sustainable income and live a free, happy life. In addition, a portion of all sales revenue is donated back to organizations that rescue victims and provide rehabilitation and training for victims of human trafficking. So whatever you buy, from T-shirts to handbags to jewelry, you’re helping someone make a fresh, free start in lifeand freedom is a beautiful thing.

They also focus on empowering consumers with the knowledge they need to make positive choices. Their resource pages help people find out more about human trafficking and ethical fashion. They encourage small, consistent acts of justice by everyday abolitionists—people who use their unique skills, talents, and opportunities to fight human trafficking—who are making an impact the lives of people around the world.

I’m excited about people like Emily in the Kilns Grad Program who are moving to Bend and seeking to give their lives away using creativity, business savvy and a lot of God-given passion.

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