Peter Batarseh, Audiobooks and the heart of Pursuing Justice

I loved reading the Facebook Post below from vocal artist Peter Satarseh.  Peter was hired by Thomas Nelson Publishers to do the voice recording for the audiobook version of Pursuing Justice.

Give it a read and follow the image at bottom to view on


Friends! I had NO idea what God had in store when I was asked to lend my voice to record a new book that Thomas Nelson is releasing next month!

Initially, recording this project came from my desire to help Joshua Goggans, a friend-of-a-friend. But what an unexpected gift from God!

[Many of you are aware of my passion for “justice” ministry and building bridges across social divides. I felt so strongly about OUR obligation to build relationships rather than joining weekend teams that blow in and out of town, checking off our “outreach scorecards,” that several years ago I began writing “Don’t Dry Their Tears. Kiss Them. called to compassion.” My prayer was to inspire and mobilize people to live life intentionally, serving others and “pouring it all out” for the sake of Christ.]

Well, today we finished recording and my heart is Full, and yet very much at rest. This IS the message…Nearly all that was in my heart has been harolded loud and clear in this manuscript.

I haven’t yet met Pastor Wytsma, but I can tell you that this work is balanced, backed-up, bold, and gets to the heart of the matter! I promise you-it is Imparative for you to read and share. I have ZERO material incentive to say this, but please hear me: pre-order, purchase, and buy a second as a gift for someone! And if you want me to read it to you, buy the audio version!

May God inspire a deep work in your heart.
His Peace+ Peter

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