Praise Her at the Gates

Maybe this is controversial, but we need to make sure we’re talking sense and using biblical logic when we talk about women.

Here is the message, “Praise Her at the Gates,” from Antioch’s Proverbs Sermon Series. The title is taken from the last chapter of Proverbs and the exhortation to praise noble women at the gates of the city and in the public square.

May we all be found praising women at the gates!

Proverbs Part 6 | Praise Her at the Gates from The Narrow Gate on Youtube.

4 thoughts on “Praise Her at the Gates”

  1. Great job here Ken – and I’m glad that the seminaries I’m involved in tell a different story about gender and ministry. I’ll be linking your talk on my blog :)

  2. Thank you for this great message and authentic scriptural exposé of Biblical context for The Lord’ s intent for women. Awesome!

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