I e-mailed a recommended reading list to a seminary student coming this summer to intern at Antioch. He and his wife will be interning in general ministry as well as justice related studies.
Here’s the list I sent along for them to choose from:
1. Life Together, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
2. Till We Have Faces, C.S. Lewis
3. The Brothers Karamozov, Fyodor Dostoevsky
4. Paris 1919 or A Peace to End All Peace (both history books on WWI that help you gain a conceptual grasp of the Middle East and why global politics have been what they have been for the last 80 years)
5. Fear and Trembling, Soren Kierkegaard
6. Hearing God, Dallas Willard
7. Desiring God, John Piper (if you’re never read this one… you really should)
8. Nothing to Envy, Demick (a short well written history of North Korea)
9. The Miracle: Asia’s Epic Quest for Wealth, Schuman (best overview on the rise of the Asian Economies over the last 50 years… important for both human rights and understanding contemporary issues)
10. The History of Human Rights, Micheline Ishay