If you haven’t checked out Redux at askquestions.tv lately, you should take a look! The people working on it are constantly making improvements and adding features to the site. Here are a few things you should know about it:
For Skeptics – For Skeptics is a fantastic resource for people who are curious about Christianity but are turned off by difficulties like creationism, violence in the Old Testament, evil and Christian hypocrisy. For Skeptics lists videos by topic so you can quickly find the answer you’re looking for, and if you want you can hit ‘play’ on one of the playlists on the page and watch an entire series on your question.
Recommended Reading — Many of the speakers that have answered questions at Redux are published authors, and now all of their books are gathered together on one easy-to-navigate list so you can find them quickly.
Speakers – Over 40 people from all over the world have spoken at Redux, and now you can browse through most of them on the speaker page. You can read a speaker’s bio, watch their videos, and check out their other websites and social media pages.
This last feature is coming soon and I’m pretty excited about it!
Redux University – Ever wish you could travel around the country to every major university and find out what different leading thinkers and educators have to say about big issues? Now you can! Redux University compiles videos about different topics from professors, college administrators and educators. The first three Redux University topics are going to be (1) Creation vs. Evolution, (2) God’s Will and (3) The King James Bible.
To stay up to date with all of the latest updates, features and events at Redux, like them on facebook and follow them on Twitter.