Sermon Biography Series

This Sunday I’m getting back to a tradition we had for the first 3 years of Antioch – using the first Sunday of the year for a Sermon Biography message on a key figure in church history.

Sometimes the best way to understand faith in our own times and the relevance of biblical passages is by seeing them through the eyes of someone else in a different time.

This week, we’re going to look at the Danish philosopher and Christian Soren Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard is my favorite philosopher and had a profound impact in my life on shaping my understanding of faith.

We’ll be looking at Kierkegaard, the situation with the Danish church in his day and the impact on Christian thought Kierkegaard had with his writings on faith – most notably in his work based on the story of Abraham and Isaac called, Fear and Trembling.

I love this stuff – could be my favorite Sunday of the year!!

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