The Magazine

The “Antioch Magazine” rolled off the presses last week and was handed out at Antioch this past Sunday.

I love it!! It is the perfect picture for me of what can be done when ministry and art are married together.

It was a fun project that was made possible by a deal we received on printing costs (I love generous people!)

If you would like us to mail you a copy just e-mail me at ken (at) and we will be happy to do so!!

For those of you who were lucky enough to get your hands on a copy already, leave a comment and share what you think!!!

7 thoughts on “The Magazine”

  1. The magazine is amazing!! Gary did a great job with the graphics and the articles were well thought out! Thanks to all of you who put in hours of hard work!

  2. Kudos to everyone, especially Kim and Gary for all their hard work! The talent we have continues to amaze me. The quality is very professional and the article and info were very well done. Keep up the great work!

  3. Antioch's Super Fan

    Um the magazine is crazy unbelievable! It’s so well done and such a cutting edge way to introduce a Church. A FAT job well done to everyone involved. Party Antioch!

  4. I don’t know how you guys did it, but I think it is one of the best things I have ever seen! I really liked and enjoyed the broad focus as well.

    Lot’s of fun!

  5. I really liked it as well. Will you do another one in the future?

    Kudos on all the print material that you all put out!

  6. I have looked through my copy probably ten times and still can’t get enough! It is a beautiful work of art. Stunning!

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