The Psalms

I love what Augustine calls the Psalms in chapter 9 of his Confessions:

“Outbursts of devotion with no room in them for the breath of pride!”

Outbursts of devotion. I could think about that phrase for quite a while. What do outbursts of devotion look like in our lives… in my life?

Was the capacity for “outbursts of devotion” why God called David a “man after his own heart”?

Without pursuing this at length, I think that unstructured creative acts of enthusiasm, passion or desperation are at the heart of outbursts of devotion or Psalms.

I’m often asked why art is such a big deal at Antioch… well, maybe that is the answer.

Unstructured creative acts (does that sound like art?) seem to me an essential ingredient in devotion, worship and our ability to glorify God with all that is within us.

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