So here are some random Friday morning thoughts:
- I wish I could still sleep like I did when I was in high school… I’ve had way too many sleepless nights lately.
- I had a great talk with Dennis Keating yesterday. Dennis is the pastor of a large church in Southern California and is speaking at Antioch on Sunday. Something Dennis said really resonated with me… he said that it seems like the best thing to do in Bend is “teach on Ephesians chapter 4 like seventeen times in a row.” Ephesians 4 talks about the church. I think there was a lot of truth in the overstatement. There is so much confusion out there about the BIBLICAL picture of church and if we don’t catch the same vision for church then it’ll be hard to stick together. Clarity is necessary for unity.
- Does anyone else think that there aren’t that many good movies out right now?
- Mentors: In the last couple of days I’ve connected with several of my mentors for various reasons. It’s nice to have guys out there to bounce ideas off of and to get advice from. The guys that I consider mentors are Luke Hendrix who lives in Vancouver and is the Executive Pastor at Imago Dei, Tim Kizziar who is the Lead Pastor at Sisters Church about a half hour north of Bend, Dennis Baker who is a church consultant and part time Bend resident (when the weather is good!) and Rick Gerhardt who is an elder at Antioch and helps me remember to think biblically and to trust God rather than always trying to fix my own problems. At the top of the list would also by my dad, but his title is “Pops” not “mentor.”
- Tamara is moving into her second trimester with baby #4 (sure to be a girl).
- I’ve always wanted to do a thorough study on heaven and the afterlife and kind of think its time to start. If I could just get some better sleep maybe I’d actually be able to read one more book a week :)
- This Sunday we’re beginning to take sign ups for Family Camp. Family Camp is probably one of the top three events of my year!! Which reminds me, last year some lady left the church because we had paintball (people shooting each other) in the Family Camp video. Anyway, we’re still going to have paintball.
- Lastly, it’s Friday… pretty sweet!!