Uganda in February

Things in Uganda are a bit precarious because of the turmoil in neighboring Kenya. Kenya is living through a nightmare as the results of the recent Presidential election are in dispute (something that is unfortunately all too familiar in Africa where almost no leaders allow themselves to be voted out once in power).

Anyway, Uganda is landlocked by Kenya so they are dependent on supplies that have to pass through Kenya. On last report, Uganda was below a week’s supply of gasoline.

A group from Antioch (myself, Aaron Wells, Beth Fischer, Benjamin Edwards, John & Lori Courtney and Kim Hunt) are scheduled to leave for Uganda on February 18th.

As a result of a pretty silly British Airways policy that flights cannot be changed or cancelled for any reason… it looks like we’re going to Uganda in February no matter what.

Hopefully things will have settled down a bit by then, but either way I’m excited to get back over there and have some of the meetings that are scheduled.

I just confirmed a meeting with a pastor from Burundi named Emmanuel who will be coming up to meet me in Kampala. Emmanuel runs a Bible College in his country that Antioch might partner with through the Bible College (High Desert Christian College) that was recently given to us. It is pretty cool to see some puzzle pieces fall into place even though it’s not the best of conditions.

Anyway, few of us know what it’s like to live in such a charged and dangerous atmosphere so make sure to keep praying for Kenya and other parts of Africa that are unstable…

1 thought on “Uganda in February”

  1. In the words of an old pastor/mentor/friend, it is better to be in God’s will in Africa than out of His will in Bend, Oregon!

    We will pray that your team will be protected during your travels to Uganda and that His perfect will would be accomplished in and through your team.

    How exciting it is to live on the edge for Christ!

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