Some times there are cool things… and sometimes there are HUGE things.
Last night I received confirmation of a HUGE thing that has been in the works for a while.
Below is the statement that the Leadership Board of World Relief approved yesterday.
“WR as an organization has given approval to its International Director (Brose) to work in conjunction with Antioch Church in Bend to explore, brainstorm and experiment with new models and ideas for collaboration between missional churches, WR and international fields. The project has the rights and privileges stated above and will report ideas and findings to WR at specified dates.”
In essence, World Relief has sanctioned Antioch to work in conjunction with Dan Brose (The World Relief International Programs Director) as a “research and development” project for World Relief as an organization.
This is huge for a smaller church like Antioch! I’m always in awe that God continually uses those who may not be the best or in this case the biggest to make a difference in the world! Watch out World Relief-cause now you’re working with passion!!
This is SOOOOOOO freaking rad!!!!!!!!! God is pretty much rockin. Can’t wait to see what happens with this! Pary!
I’ve never heard of anything like this. How do you guys get in the middle of so many amazing things? It’s so amazing!
God is definitely at work!