Benevolence Fund

At Antioch we have what is called a Benevolence Fund.

The Benevolence Fund is money that we use to help families in need within the Antioch community with such things as bills, medical needs, stuff for kids, car repairs etc. etc.

It is one of the coolest parts of church – when the community is able to lend a helping hand to people who need one.  It is what makes church look like family.

Anyway, the Antioch Benevolence Fund has fallen on hard times – meaning it has gotten a LOT of use.  We have been able to help dozens and dozens of families and individuals this year as Bend has gone through some pretty hard economic times.

I’m writing to let the internet world know that the Benevolence Fund (often called “Love Offerings”) could use a little love itself!!

If you’d be able to help replenish this fund and our ability to help people out, simply click on the link below and select Benevolence Fund (Love Offerings) as the designation option for your donation.

Thanks for the consideration – it is greatly appreciated!!




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