I’ve been thinking alot about community lately…
Community is what always excited me most about being a church planter and moving to Bend. I told Tamara when we got married that I wanted to put down roots and find some people worth growing old together with.
So I guess thinking about community means that I’m thinking about who’s worth knowing when they’re old and I’m old. It’s not always easy figuring out who’s going to still be fun at age 80 :)
I’m also putting a lot more time into thinking about community at Antioch. Churches are really nothing more than a group of people or a “community.” What we do at the staff and office level will either help facilitate the development of relationships or it won’t. We’ll either be good at building community or we won’t. My prayer is that Antioch will only continue to grow as a safe and warm place to fellowship.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to a lot of cool connecting things coming down the pike… new community groups, marriage retreat, summer bbq’s and, of course, family camp 2008!!