Jesus answered Peter by saying that He would build His church. Paul pointed to the pettiness of popular games by saying that he planted, Apollos watered, but God made it grow. There are other verses that essentially say the same thing – it is a Triune God that breathes life into non-living things. It is God who animates the body, soul, and spiritual communities.
We’ve all believed this before. We’ve all valued prayer precisely because of our recognized dependence on God. And we’ve all seen God work before. That said, what we’ve been witnessing at Antioch for many months as a community is simply amazing. Door after door has been opening… just at the right time and just in the right way. People have been called to move to Bend specifically for this church and ministry. Others have been called back to community after many years without a church home. A college ministry seems to have materialized overnight and coincidences seem to keep hovering around prayer requests. The God story list could go on…
This is not to say that we’re special or that there won’t be incredible difficulties to come, but simply that for those of us involved, we believe we are getting to watch as the Lord is doing exactly what He promised – build His church.
“… you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Matthew 16:18